Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snow Day

Written by Miss Clairissa Victorious (Richie Rich, Claire-bear, Layer-cake, Claire.) with help from Rayban May-Z (Rayyy-Vannnn.)

So once upon a time on December 13, 2010, the urban campus had a snow day. So then all us farmer folk, were like “It sho’ is cold out der, and we should get a snow day too.”
So a snow day (or a half snow day) it was.

During the snow day we did plenty o’ things. We play’d out in the snow, we did some math-uh-mah-tics, a brief spelling class (I fell asleep – which is owkay cause I’mer gewd speler) and half of us made lunch.  W’also made mittens outta shrunkin’ wool sweaters, and some of us sewed ‘em up real nice. We even included a nice picture of Old Farmer Andy sewing up his very own mittens. Then, we…um….I know this……Well, we had dinner. Then….um… well then we cleaned up dinner. OH, and also this was the second to last day of G.G’s, so lotsa people were getting all sorts of nice gifts. I for one, got a snow globe, we for two (Clairissa) got herself some beads. Well, now it’s time for us to go  and look at a meteor shower…METEOR SHOWER TONIGHT! Thanks for read’n this blog.

Lots o’ Love,
Miss Clairissa Victourious &
Rayban May-Z

Andy sewing his mittens

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