Friday, July 15, 2011

Harvest Help Thanks

We had a lovely harvest day yesterday, despite the occasional rain shower, and thanks to our great crew of apprentices and garden stewards. A big thank you to our apprentices, Kumar, Sam, Ewan and Will. Thanks to our regulars Bryan, Isaiah and Rena and also to Kristyn and sister Lisa and their industrious children Paige, Walker and Alex.

Thursday we woke up to a shift in the weather. Tuesday and Wednesday had been near perfect summer days. There was low humidity and just enough warmth to feel comfortable in shorts and t-shirts. So when I looked out at 7 am on Thursday and it was chilly and a little drippy, I started to wonder if it was going to be one of those harvest days, one where everyone is soaked and shivering by lunchtime and we have lost a few shoes to mud. We have a schedule to meet, and we take it seriously. Everything has to be harvested, washed, packed and ready to go by 2 pm, and it doesn't matter how much it is raining when we have hungry boys and girls on the other side of the river to feed. But just as we finished the animal chores, the mist lifted and as we walked up to the garden it was perfect harvest weather, cool and overcast.

Kumar and Sam went to work on the herb bunches and Will and Ewan harvested garlic. Then our helpers showed up. Isaiah went right to work with the boys bunching herbs. Rena helped me count and bunch volunteer greens. Lisa and Kristyn took on the flower harvest, and Walker, Alex and Paige worked on the kohlrabi. We did have a couple light showers, but never enough to bother much. Later we had crews working on the bean harvest, the onion and zucchini harvest, in the packing shed with Donna, and with Jen in the kale patch. Clockwork. Done by noon and out by 2. Thanks to our helpers!

Speaking of helpers, thanks to garden steward Nicki M. for designing a new credit tracking sheet and price list system. We are thrilled! She will also be contributing seasonal recipes to this blog as she finds them.

Rainy day today too.

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