April 29th was the much-anticipated day of the Junior High visit.
This day was especially grand because our friends and comrades came out to this
place of wonder to both see the Farm Stay students and also work on the farm.
Some projects that happened were the last plants were transplanted into their plant
pots for the Plant Sale; setting up the electric fence so that the llamas
Llarry and Precious and the sheep Olive, Lily, Blue and Big Brown could graze
and be merry prancing around the meadow behind the Red Barn; and probably some
other things that I cannot remember at this time. After that, we went back to
the Homestead because it was raining and cold, even though we have struggled
through much worse than a little drizzle and the slightest chill. We were going
to watch a documentary about frack sands, but we can’t stream movies very
well out here, so we decided to run around outside or stay inside and talk for
thirty minutes. Cheers!