Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Farm Camp in the heat

Last night after the storm blew through it cooled off considerably. We all opened our windows and welcomed the exchange of air as the night air came rushing in. By morning we were comfortable, but we knew it wouldn't last. The morning heat came on like a furnace. We all did farm chores and then did some pre-harvest (lettuce, zucchini and green beans). The rest of the morning was for facilities work and Donna led the students in planting the remaining graduation pine trees. My crew cooked lunch and when Donna and the rest of the farm campers came in to eat, you could tell they had been out in the heat. Red faces and sweat dripping. We all sure appreciated the air conditioning in the Homestead!

After lunch the campers did tie-dye with Donna, while I got to some tractor work. After tie-dye we set up a farm version of a slip-n-slide, a length of greenhouse plastic pegged to a hill and a garden hose. They occupied themselves for over an hour. The perfect answer to the heat. As I write the students are preparing some Pad Thai with Donna. Tonight is games night. Thanks to Amal for the Photos.

On the night hike. Checking the orchard.

The bees are hanging out outside. Trying to fan the hive to cool it?

Even though the radar said that it wouldn't rain, the sky still looked ominous. 

farm chores in the morning.

getting ready to plant the graduation trees.

Clearing a spot for planting a pine tree.

Clearing ground.


Amal's hole. 

Amal's tree.

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