Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Harvest for the Week of July 24th

New red potatoes
Zucchini and yellow squash
Onions, fresh, green-topped
Bunched beets with greens
Fresh garlic
Garlic scapes
Herbs: basil, parsley, cilantro, mint
Lettuce mix
Cut flowers

New Red Potatoes
This week we have started picking the new red potatoes. They are absolutely divine. We have two methods of preparing them. Diced and boiled, and then dressed with butter an salt is the current winner. But recently in the farmhouse kitchen we have also been dropping the diced potatoes in about a 1/2 inch of boiling sunflower oil and deep frying until done, then straining them out of the oil and drying the excess oil off on paper towels before salting and serving. The new potatoes are so full of water that they don't make great french fries per se, but the flavor is so good that it makes up for it.

The zucchini have been so delicious that I forget how bored I usually get of zucchini. These new first zucchinis are treasures. Both tender and flavorful. I have been slicing them into chunks and pan frying in butter until they start to brown, then grating cheese over them and sometimes adding wild mushrooms. Yum.The quantity that is added to the pan influences whether you can actually brown them a little. Add too much and all the water they sweat out and it undermines your frying. But that is no problem, it just becomes a saute. Finish it with some chopped fresh herbs.

Fresh Garlic and Garlic Scapes
At our garlic fest last week we only pulled about 10 percent of the garlic. Maybe less. It just wasn't mature enough to store well. So this garlic is fresh and powerfully pungent. You can store it on your counter and it will start to cure there - if it lasts that long. This is really good garlic picked at the peak of flavor. The garlic "scapes" are the top portion of the plant that we have to remove as the plant is maturing. If you leave them on the plant, they develop flowers and a top-setting cluster of bulblets. Those bulblets sap energy from the underground bulb and affect the size. So anyway, we removed the top 15% of the plant. It turns out that these are tasty treats. Chop them up into green bean-sized pieces and cook by frying, steaming, boiling or baking. You can also make "garlic scape pesto" by using your blender and some creativity.

Beets, etc.
The beets were saved from weeds on our first summer work day. We are only bringing a few of these into the market, so the rest can size up even more. Lettuce mix: it is our goal to have lettuce or lettuce mix every week. Sometimes rain or lack of it can affect our planting schedule, but usually we will have something lettuce-y for you. Same for onions. Starting this Thursday look for the onion family to be well-represented every week. The fresh onions should be stored in the fridge, but can also be left out for several days. They will start to dry out, but not go bad.

Coming Soon
What is coming: There will be some cucumbers soon and a lot more in about 3 weeks (some on the early plants were killed in a windy thunderstorm when they were just tender transplants). Carrots are at least a couple weeks away. Green beans are maybe going to be ready for the second week, and then every week after that until the first frost. Tomatoes will be slow this year, but (as usual) excessively abundant when they do come in. Plan to can and freeze in September. Peppers, eggplant and melons are coming along slowly too, but each is poised to take off and produce well. Kale and chard were both planted late, but have been growing very well for the last two weeks. Next week we should start pulling some leaves off.

Why is this year so slow? Part of the problem was too much rain. We could not plant things when we wanted to plant them and so we had to make do with late planting. Then the month of June had some cool days. In fact, yesterday was the first day I even thought about how nice it would be to put in the window air-conditioning unit in the bedroom. Heat-loving crops (pumpkin, squash, okra, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, corn, zucchini, melons) thrive in these summer warm days. 85 degrees and humid. They grow like crazy. We have not had enough of these days yet. But I have the feeling the summer is about to heat up.

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